Self-Care Sunday for Loss Parents
You are still a parent even if you can’t hold your little one. There are many people who have experienced loss on their parenting journey, and we want to include all parents and caregivers in our Week of the Young Child.
While the title says “loss parents,” this event is open to families and any loved ones who want to participate.
We will paint rocks in honor of our little ones, as well as decorate planters and pot seeds or plants in them. You can take these home as a sweet reminder of your little one(s), symbolizing growth, love, and remembrance.
Reach out to Maureen with questions: mbjerke@sphealth.org or 406-461-4449

June Loss Event
We are still working on the details but this will be an outdoor gathering to honor our little ones.
This event will be open to all ages.
Stay tuned!

Self-Love for Loss Parents
Take time for yourself during our Self-Love for Loss Parents. This time offers space for people who have experienced loss on their parenting journey to focus on themselves and participate in a little self-care. We will create jars full of affirmations for you to take home so you can read those uplifting gentle reminders whenever you need a boost.
Does it sound overwhelming to come up with a jar full of nice things for yourself? Don’t worry, we will have some already created you can use, too.
Feel free to bring a friend! This loss event will be for adults. You could also come and make a jar for your friend who lost a baby, pregnancy, child.
We will be at the building that used to be the Pattern House, by the new food share building. It is an office building now but it is an awesome space.
What does “people who have experienced loss on their parenting journey” mean? Well, it is our way of trying to be inclusive. You are welcome if you are carrying grief around being a parent. If you are unsure if you “fit”, please feel free to reach out for some reassurance because if you want to come, then you fit.
Reach out with questions: Maureen at mbjerke@sphealth.org or 406-461-4449 (call or text)

Winter Remembrance Gathering: Honoring Our Little Ones
Join us as we come together to create a special ornament in honor of the child you lost. We'll be using clear plastic ornaments that open, allowing you to place small items inside that hold special meaning. If you don't have anything specific to bring, don't worry—we’ll have plenty of materials and mementos for you to choose from.
This gathering is open to parents, support people, grandparents, siblings, cousins, friends, and children are all welcome. Whether you are the parent or a loved one, you are warmly invited to participate in memorializing your little one(s).
No need to register—just drop in anytime between 5:30 and 7:30 pm to create your ornament.
Click here to see the flyer. Feel free to share!
This is intended to be an inclusive event but if you are wondering if this is a “fit” for you (it probably is…) please feel free to reach out. Events like this can be a little anxiety provoking and also very meaningful. I am happy to answer any questions to help you feel less nervous.
Contact info: Maureen Bjerke at mbjerke@sphealth.org or 406-461-4449 (call or text is fine)

Wave of Light
Join the Early Childhood Collaborative in lighting a candle at 7 pm to recognize and remember all the babies who died too soon.
Our version of the Wave of Light is all inclusive. You are welcome to come light a candle whether it was you who lost a baby or someone you know. Maybe you never got the chance to have a baby, you are welcome. Maybe you lost your “baby” when they were 18 years old - you are welcome, too. Maybe you just want to come and show your support and that is welcome, too.
We will have battery operated candles to place in a heart shape with live music by local musician Joslyn Dollar and hot cocoa to sip on while we come together in community to honor the babies we hold in our hearts and the loved ones who miss them.
If you have questions, reach out: Maureen Bjerke at mbjerke@sphealth.org or 406-461-4449 (call or text)
This event will kick off a series of community events for those who have experienced loss on their parenting journey. Keep an eye out for more events to come. We want you to remember you are not alone.

Wave of Light
Join the Early Childhood Collaborative in lighting a candle at 7 pm to recognize and remember all the babies who died too soon.
Our version of the Wave of Light is all inclusive. You are welcome to come light a candle whether it was you who lost a baby or someone you know. Maybe you never got the chance to have a baby, you are welcome. Maybe you lost your “baby” when they were 18 years old - you are welcome, too. Maybe you just want to come and show your support and that is welcome, too.
If you have questions, reach out: Maureen Bjerke at mbjerke@sphealth.org or 406-461-4449 (call or text)