Loss Resources
Whether you’re unable to have a baby or if you have lost a pregnancy, a baby, or a child - for any reason - we want you to know you are not alone, even when it feels like the most isolating journey.
Helena Resources
Terri has been a perinatal bereavement specialist for many years. Her experience makes her a wealth of knowledge and support for anyone who has experienced loss in our community.
Call or text: 406-459-4981
Stephanie has been working with moms and families for years and has had extensive training to provide the best care to parents - whether your child is here with you, or not.
Email Stephanie: sbauch@sphealth.org
This support group meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7 pm at the Loft Studio. Support groups are a great space to give voice to your experience. They can also trigger and stir things up. Reach out to the facilitator, Emily, for more information or to ask any questions.
Visit their Facebook page here.
Emily Tosoni: 770-316-6719
Unfortunately, our bodies don’t always know there isn’t a baby to feed, so our breastmilk comes in with nowhere to go. St. Peter’s Health is a drop site for donor breast milk through Northwest Milk Bank.
Click here for more information.
Our local funeral home, Anderson Stevenson Wilke & Retz Funeral Home, can provide services for those experiencing a loss.
Jenny Andersen is a postpartum doula and is open to doing work with those who have experienced loss.
LiElla is an end-of-life doula and after-death care educator based in Montana.
Please visit Leaving Well’s website to learn more: leavingwellmt.com/
Click here to visit St. Peter’s Health Pregnancy and Infant Loss website.
Maureen lost her baby many years ago and wants to support others on this journey so they feel less alone. Available to get coffee, hear your story or talk about our babies.
Call or text: 406-461-4449
Email List Sign Up
Please click here or scan QR code below to sign up for our loss specific email list. We will periodically send out information on upcoming events, resources, or other information specific to loss.
Click here to view our upcoming loss events.
The ECC hosts events every other month for those who are carrying around grief related to their parenting journey.
Additional Resources
Online offerings for grief and pregnancy/infant loss.
Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies provides a directory for services across Montana.
There is a film with this same name about the founder’s story of loss. This organization has many resources for loss parents, for providers and for anyone looking for more information on loss.
Bozeman organization working to connect Montana families to the support they need from preconception to parenthood.
Stories from around the world of writers surviving the aftermath of loss and grief.
This amazing organization is based in Bozeman.
For Adults:
An Exact Replica of a Figment of my Imagination by Elizabeth McCracken
It's Okay to Laugh (Crying Is Cool Too) by Nora McInerny Purmort
Some Babies by Holly Ann Abel: a children’s book about loss
To Tend & To Hold by Eileen Santos Rosete: we are still postpartum after loss
What God is Honored Here? Writings on Miscarriage and Infant Loss by and for Native Women and Women of Color
For Children:
This is an ever-changing resource list. Please vet these resources for yourself. If you want to talk more about these or other resources, reach out to us, we’d love to make this better for our community members who have experienced loss. Email Maureen at mbjerke@sphealth.org