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Car Seat Safety Class

  • St. Peter's Health Education Center 2475 East Broadway Street Helena, MT, 59601 United States (map)

This 1 hour class is led by a certified child passenger safety technician. There is time at the end of class for installations as needed. The instruction helps parents learn the basics of:

  • Choosing the right seat for your child and your budget.

  • Proper seat installation, including which position to use, the correct angle, and how to secure the seat.

  • Appropriately fitting your child to the seat, as this is more complex than simply following the height, weight, and age guidelines on the packaging.

Bring your safety seat to class! While installation is apart of the end of class, time will be available at the end to schedule an installation session with the instructor for a later date if needed or if you do not have a car seat with you.

Click here for more information and to register.

Note: Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies (HMHB) can provide car seats upon request through Lewis and Clark Public Health. Please make your request at least 2-3 weeks before the class to ensure availability on the link below. Car Seat Support Request Intake Form

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